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I'm Ifigeneia

For more than 20 years, professional writing, ideas' generation, pitching stories that sell and translating jargon into layman’s terms have been at the core of my existence, carving me into an awarded Journalist, turned into a prolific Storyteller, be it Social Media Strategy, Content Editor, Copywriter, Visual Storyteller: a Content Genie.

Just like a polyhedron, I combine polygonal faces, straight edges and sharp corners, that is: Critical and Creative Thinking, Adaptability, Clarity of Expression, Original Ideas, Attention to Detail, Cross-Checking, Curiosity, Active Listening, Text Editing, Research, Digital Content Management, Proofreading, Transcribing Audio, Commercial Awareness.
I'm your man. 

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28 Karaiskaki street, 10554, Psyrri, Athens.
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